Home 5 Productivity 5 Strategies for Overcoming Learning Challenges in the Workplace
Strategies for Overcoming Learning Challenges in the Workplace

We’ve all experienced the struggle of sitting down to study and feeling overwhelmed by boredom and lack of focus. Whether it was in high school or college, there were always moments when our minds wandered, and studying seemed like an impossible task. Perhaps you found yourself daydreaming instead of paying attention to the teacher or getting lost in thoughts about the purpose of learning.

The truth is, these challenges don’t magically disappear after graduation. In the professional world, employees are constantly required to expand their knowledge and develop new skills. However, if learning obstacles persist, they can turn training into a frustrating and ineffective experience, jeopardizing the overall learning objective. Merely organizing and delivering training sessions won’t guarantee success. Following best practices alone is not enough for true learning to take place. Instead, it’s crucial to shift the focus onto the learners themselves and provide them with training that enhances their experience.

Understanding the barriers to learning is the first step towards fostering growth and development. Boredom and lack of focus are two common roadblocks that prevent individuals from fully engaging with the material they need to learn. When we feel unmotivated, we miss out on valuable opportunities for self-improvement.

Renowned psychology professor, Jordan Peterson, sheds light on this thought process during one of his lectures. He shares an excellent example of how our minds tend to wander when faced with uninteresting subjects or challenging concepts. It’s important to recognize that this is a natural part of the learning journey, but it’s equally important to find strategies to overcome these barriers.

One related barrier to learning in the workplace is the lack of time. Employees often face heavy workloads and busy schedules, leaving little room for dedicated learning activities. With multiple tasks and deadlines to meet, it becomes challenging to prioritize and allocate time for professional development. This constraint can hinder employees’ ability to engage in learning opportunities and impede their growth and development.

To make your training more effective, it’s important to address the learning roadblocks head-on. Here are a few key strategies you can consider:

Set clear goals. Start by clearly defining what you want to achieve through your learning. Explore different learning methods that suit your preferences, such as online courses or workshops. Set personal goals and create a plan that aligns with your needs and interests. This will keep you motivated, focused, and minimize distractions along the way. 

Let’s say you want to improve your project management skills. Use goal-setting apps like Asana or Microsoft Planner to set specific objectives, break them down into actionable tasks, and track your progress. These apps provide visual boards and reminders to help you stay focused on your learning goals.

Use active learning techniques. Passive learning, such as passively reading or listening to lectures, can often lead to distractions. Instead, engage in active learning techniques that involve your active participation. Take notes, summarize information in your own words, teach someone else what you’ve learned, or participate in discussions and debates related to the topic. These activities keep your mind actively involved, reducing the likelihood of drifting off.

Let’s say you’re taking an online course on coding. Utilize coding platforms like Codecademy or FreeCodeCamp that offer interactive coding exercises and projects. These platforms provide hands-on practice and immediate feedback to actively engage with the material and reinforce your learning.

Take breaks and practice self-care. Give yourself regular breaks during your learning sessions. Research suggests that taking short breaks can actually enhance focus and productivity. Use these breaks to relax, engage in activities you enjoy, or practice self-care techniques like mindfulness or physical exercise. Taking care of your overall well-being can positively impact your ability to concentrate and learn effectively. 

Let’s say you’re studying for a certification exam. Try using the Pomodoro technique with a Pomodoro timer app like Be Focused or Focus@Will. Set a timer for 25 minutes of focused studying, followed by a 5-minute break. During the break, use a mindfulness app like Headspace to relax, practice deep breathing, or do a quick meditation session.

Embrace a growth mindset. Embracing a growth mindset is crucial for your personal development. Believe that you can get smarter and better at things by putting in effort and practicing. Instead of thinking that challenges are going to hold you back, see them as chances to grow and get better. Take a moment to think about what you can learn from each setback, and use that knowledge to make yourself even better at what you do. Pay attention to your thoughts and self-talk. Whenever you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, try to replace them with positive affirmations. Remind yourself that with dedication and continued practice, you can expand and improve your knowledge and skills over time.

Let’s say you’re learning a new language. Connect with language learning communities through apps like Duolingo or HelloTalk. Engage in language exchange with native speakers, join discussion groups, and seek feedback on your progress. These apps provide opportunities for continuous learning, practice, and encouragement to foster a growth mindset.

Each employee has their own set of skills, ways of learning, and preferences. To keep employees engaged in training, it’s important to offer personalized learning experiences. This means creating training programs that consider different learning styles and giving employees the option to choose the methods that suit them best. Before the training starts, it can be helpful to conduct assessments or surveys to understand each employee’s unique learning needs. By doing so, employers can customize the training content to make it more relevant and engaging for everyone involved. This way, employees feel that the training is designed specifically for them, which boosts their interest and participation.

“Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg, co-founder of WordPress

Technology provides avenues for interactive learning, such as online courses, virtual workshops, and collaborative learning platforms. These tools empower employees to actively participate in their learning journey, exchange ideas, and work together towards common learning objectives.

As Matt Mullenweg highlights, technology is at its best when it brings people together. By embracing technology in the realm of learning and development, organizations can foster collaboration, teamwork, and collective growth. Utilizing tech-savvy strategies, employees can overcome learning roadblocks, enhance their skills, and contribute to the overall success of the organization.

Abakada LMS provides a solution that saves you valuable time and reduces costs. Our learning management system is not only the most affordable option available, but it is also designed to meet your needs and is future-ready. Feel free to try it out for as long as you need and see why our customers love us!

Published Date: June 23, 2023

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Abakada Studios

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