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What Online Teachers Need To Know

As the majority of teachers across the nation are now teaching their students online, it is time for us to share our progress and lessons taken over the past months. Whether you are an online instructor or just doing an online course for the first time, you may have some questions in mind about making the most out of your remote work and learning experience.

Here are online teaching hacks that you might consider applying to your daily routine to keep your students engaged and boost your digital confidence. Read on!

Self-pace online activities.

Well-constructed assignments drive students to analyze problems and present real-time solutions. By giving them simple step-by-step online worksheets rather than introducing complex technical tasks. For example, assign your students to answer a set of questions based on video lectures or modules. Give students a sense of ownership and control so they can read or watch the course materials at their own pace and submit it on time.

Be a good storyteller.

Believe it or not, your students will remember those cliché stories that they can relate to in some way aside from your lessons plan. For example, if a topic taps into your students’ emotions they can easily remember the information delivered in stories. Use stories to show the meaning of what your students are learning and find out what they would do if they are in that situation.

Give purpose to your lessons objectives.

As both teachers and students are apt to practice online learning, there can be a handful of lessons plans when a new academic year begins. It is important to write and implement learning objectives in your class because students need to know what they are to learn in order to increase the chances that they will learn. The more clearer and detailed your objectives are, the more likely your students will have great progress.

Evaluate your way of teaching.

Take notes or record yourself while teaching for you to identify the strong aspects of your practice, as well as your weaknesses that may need to be changed and improved. Knowing what works and what doesn’t, as well as why it works at that point will give you an advantage in maintaining a good connection with your students.

Bonus tip: Have fun!

Of course, the secret way to get the students’ attention is through fun and engaging learning activities. Try discovering and learning new things that could help you to be an effective teacher. Staying hydrated and calm helps in that aspect. By doing so, you will be able to have a clearer mind, be productive, and deliver amazing learning experiences for your students.

Being an online teacher requires you to build a good connection with your students and also to encourage them to interact with other students.

Published Date: September 3, 2021

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Abakada Studios

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